Priority Freshwater Invasive Species

  • FREE
  • 2 Courses
  • 20m

Priority Invasive Species in Freshwater Ecosystems is an engaging and interactive eLearning course designed to increase awareness of aquatic invasive species among recreators and naturalists across Canada. 

 Explore diverse freshwater ecosystems across British Columbia, their services and potential climate change implications. Learn about priority species to watch for, their impacts, how they spread and ways you can make a difference. We can all help protect our diverse landscapes and prevent the spread of invasive species. 

The objective of this course is to: 
  • Learn about the freshwater ecosystems in British Columbia
  • Recognize reasons to care about aquatic invasive species 
  • Strengthen your ability to identify aquatic priority invasive species 
You can stop and return to your spot if necessary and you can return to the course at any time if you want to review or complete a section.

Please use speakers or headphones as audio is included and disable pop-ups for the best user experience. 

Upon completion you will receive an email with your certificate and a feedback survey link - we would love to hear your thoughts on ways to improve the training. 

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Priority Freshwater Invasive Species
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