Invasive-Wise Marinas

  • FREE
  • 2 Modules
  • 10m

ISCBC has been working alongside industry professionals, with funding from the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk, to develop the Invasive-Wise Marina program, a behaviour change program directed at the marine industry of BC. The goal of this program is to protect biodiversity in BC by educating marina operators and staff about best management practices for prevention and educating clientele around invasive species.

eLearning Content:

Invasive-Wise Marinas is an interactive eLearning course that is to be used as a training resource for marina operators and staff, to increase awareness around invasive species and help them to identify areas of possible risk of introduction or spread of invasive species.

The objectives of the course are to:

·       Understand the impacts of aquatic invasive species

·       Learn how to report invasive species

·       Describe the best management practices to prevent the spread of invasive species

Please allow 10 minutes to complete the course.

You can stop and return to your spot if necessary and you can return to the course at any time if you want to review or complete a section.

Please use speakers or headphones as audio is included and disable pop-ups for the best user experience. 

Upon completion you will receive an email with your certificate and a feedback survey link - we would love to hear your thoughts on ways to improve the training.

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Invasive-Wise Marinas
1 Module
Let's Explore
Invasive-Wise Marinas Feedback
7 Questions
Let's Explore