Invasive Species and Forestry

  • FREE
  • 2h 0m

This newly revised, interactive course provides some background on invasive species and their impacts, regional lists of key invasive species in British Columbia, tools and best practices to be incorporated into your work, and actions you can take to report invasive species. The goal of this course is to support healthier forests resulting from educated forest practitioners who possess the knowledge and tools to prevent the spread of invasive species.


The revised 2024 guidebook, “Best Practices for Preventing the Spread of Invasive Plants during Forest Management Activities” forms the basis for the online course and in-person workshop, including the addition of forest insect and disease pests.


Funding for the course was provided by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, the BC Ministry of Forests and ISCBC. The Council also offers an in-person invasive species workshop for forest practitioners – ask us for more information (


Thank you for your interest in invasive species prevention!